Welcome to HomeTown Bank and thank you for considering us for your financial needs!

This institution has been my “home” for 25 years and the people that work here are my “family”. Our professional team is composed of responsive and local people who focus on customer relationships that will last for generations to come. We are committed to our customers and we are committed to the communities we serve. Our people make the difference.

If you are an existing customer, THANK YOU. You have joined a growing number of people who enjoy the difference of community banking at HomeTown Bank. We appreciate your business, welcome you with a smile and treat you as a friend. If you are not currently banking with us, well, you should be. We are grateful for the opportunity. Please feel free to contact us or come by one of our branches and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have!


Allan Rasmussen
CEO & President


HomeTown Bank is here to answer them for you.